Youth Service Programs
The goal of our youth programs is to prepare young people living in poverty or facing substantial barriers for productive lives by training them to be job ready and assisting with their educational and career paths.
We provide the expert guidance, support and resources youth need to become self-sufficient through job readiness training, unpaid as well as subsidized internships, work experience opportunities, plus job search and placement assistance.

WIOA Youth Programs
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) program serves out-of-school youth ages 14 to 24 in Los Angeles County. Participants receive an array of services, from job readiness workshops to college and career exploration, and on-the-job training opportunities in the local community.
For more information, call (310) 309-6000 x221.
You may also e-mail youthprograms@jvs-socal.org or take it to your local office.
Youth @ Work
This WIOA program provides Los Angeles County youth ages 14 to 24 who are current or former foster youth, just-impacted, identify as LBGTQ+ or are currently or previously experiencing housing instability or homelessness with 400 hours of paid work experience, training, and mentorship to prepare for in-demand and diverse career pathways.
For more information, you may complete the Youth @ Work interest form.
Santa Monica Youth Employment Program
This program provides at risk youth ages 14 to 24 residing in the City of Santa Monica with career readiness services, job search assistance, and work experience opportunities. SMYEP assists youth to overcome barriers to employment and reach educational goals through career exploration, internship placement and case management.
Also, visit us during our drop-in hours:
Virginia Avenue Park Recreation Center
2200 Virginia Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90404