Debra Roth: 2022 Letter from Barbra, Ron, Ellen and Mike
Dear Friends and Family,
During these challenging times, we want to write to express our appreciation and gratitude for your generosity and support of the scholarship remembering our sister, Debbie. In the past two years you have helped to make a significant difference in the lives of deserving graduate students. I’ve attached thank you letters from Ariela and Kira who, for the second year in a row, were the recipients of the Debra J. Roth Family & Friends Tribute Scholarship.
When you read their letters, you will see what a difference your support has made. Your personal and continued commitment to the Debra J. Roth Friends and Family Scholarship means the world to us.
We look forward to the coming year as one of healing, health and calm. Debbie’s family is doing very well despite the current circumstances. Alana is a veterinarian and recently began her internship at a large medical center outside of Denver. Lauren is in Oakland, has recently moved into a new apartment and has been busy baking and experimenting with breads. The rest of us are doing the best we can, “working from home”, teaching, trying to maintain some sense of normalcy. But the financial needs of students continue and our commitment to honoring Debbie moves forward.
This scholarship program is the largest one serving Jewish students in the area. This past year, with the help of family and friends, we were able to raise over $8,000, providing renewal scholarships to two young women as they work towards their future careers.
We know that this scholarship is an appropriate and respectful way to remember our beloved Debbie. We can’t believe that it’s been fourteen years since we lost her. She would so approve of this program. Hopefully you will join us by honoring Debbie’s memory with a gift to this program. No matter the size of your gift, we will appreciate your support. It will make a difference in the lives of deserving students.
Thank you, as always, for your consideration and support.
Barb and Ron
Ellen and Mike